
Showing posts from January, 2019

Find a Job in 2019

Find a Job in 2019   If you are already looking for a change of your current job or to start your career, this would be the ideal time to rethink about what you require to do to have the right job. Following steps would provide a guide to find your passionate career platform. Find what is your Specialty     Firstly identify what you are specialized at. Maybe you have many experiences, educational qualifications, professional qualifications in different areas. But you need to recognize what is your passion, unique skills, areas of expertise or what is the most preferred area to work.         Maybe you do not own much experiences or qualifications but you can identify your passion and can recognize your goals, dreams to be achieved in future. Then it will direct you to find out the speciality of yourself. Create your CV or Update it     This is the other vital thing you need to do. Most of the time people do not update their CV properly. However, creating yo

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram & Messenger are going to be in One platform

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram & Messenger are going to be in One platform Facebook is going to integrate Whatsapp, Instagram and Messenger in one platform according to the Latest BBC news. These three different apps are going to be integrated with the intention of allowing the messages to travel between different platforms easily.   Facebook has announced that it is quite a longer process. This merging will allow the users to directly message to someone who only has a Whatsapp Account or Instagram account. However still these 3 different platforms does not have a common platform to get connected. According to the news that is reported that the work has begun and it would be completed within the end of the 2019 or early in 2020. However this integration will ensure the Facebook with increasing the time spent on that as well as it can compete with the messaging services of Google and Apples iMessage. But with this innovation Facebook will require to re think about t